Saturday, October 19, 2013

October 10. 2013..

Director and producer Jo Soo Won "Cheongdamdong Alice and I Hear Your Voice" has mentioned Moon Geun Young in a recent article !

- 같이 호흡을 맞춘 최고의 배우: 다 좋았지만 지금 생각이 나는 배우는 문근영이다. 문근영은 작품과 캐릭터에 대한 이해와 몰입도가 누구보다 뛰어난 배우였다.

Best actors: all the actors are good,but now I think the actor is Moon Geun Young. She's an actress who puts all her passion into acting who is understanding and engagement for the character was the better actor.
